22 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Guru Biologi dan Siswa SD-SMA/SMK di Pontianak untuk Meningkatkan Pengalaman Belajar di Bidang Bioteknologi

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     Abstract — Pontianak is the center of education in the province of West Kalimantan. In the implementation of education and learning, the interaction between competent teachers and active students can improve the quality of education. Therefore, a service activity was made that aims to ensure quality educational services in accordance with the times. This service activity is entitled Training and Assistance for Biology Teachers and Elementary-SMA/SMK Students at Karya Yosep Elementary School, St. Peter's Middle/High School, St. Mary's Vocational School with the theme Biotechnology and its Applications for the Welfare of Human Life. The method used is contextual learning which is packaged with a webinar model which includes 2 sessions, namely the delivery of material and discussion sessions. This activity is divided into 3 stages, namely the preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages. Overall, the activity went smoothly. This activity can increase the knowledge of Biology teachers and students in partner schools about the field of biotechnology, and participants can practice and apply the material received in everyday life. More than 85% of the participants from the group of teachers, elementary-junior high school students, and high school/vocational school students thought that the material provided was in accordance with the needs.Keywords — training, teachers, students, biotechnology

    Pengaruh Cara Pengolahan TerhadapMutu Bakteriologis Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Pindang Siap Santap

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    The objectiveof this present research was toknowthe influence ofvarious way ofcooking on bacteriologicalquality of ready-to-eat salted little tunafish (Euthynnusaffinis).Previousstudyhas shown thatbacteriological quality ofsaltedtunafishfrom markets in Yogyakarta were not fulfill the requirements based on SNI 01-2717-1992. It was shown that the aerobic plate countswere high, i.e.2.4 x 105– 5.27 x 107CFU/g. Coliformcountranged from 6.5 x 106CFU/g.Fromthe20samples observed, only 1 sample did not contain V. parahaemolyticus and 4 samples were negative from Salmonella. Therefore,it needs to bestudied whether thevarious way ofcookingsuch asfrying, fryingwith flour, fryingwith egg and fryingwith Chili sauce were effectivein removing any of the groups of bacteria examined from saltedlittle tuna fish sample. The bacterial groups examined as indicator of quality were Staphylococcus aureus, Coliform, Salmonellaand Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The aerobic plate counts were also taken. The result showed that the various way of cooking wereeffective in reducing the aerobic plate counts, S. aureusand Coliform. Frying with Chili sauce was the best cookingprocedure because it can reduced the highest number of aerobic plate counts, S.aureusand Coliform. Salmonellaand V. parahaemolyticuswere not detected in all cooking samples

    Kualitas Minyak Kelapa Hasil Fermentasi Saccharomyces cereviceae

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    One aspects of utilization of coconut fruit is its palm oil. Traditionally coconut oil was made by “klentik” method, which was time and energy consuming. The important thing in the production of coconut oil from its xanthan is the separation of protein from oil. One of separation methods is by creating low pH (acid) condition that is near to protein isoelectric point. This research objective was to determine the potency of Saccharomyces cereviceae, that has an optimum growth pH within the range of protein isoelectric point, to produce coconut oil. Three isolates of Saccharomyces were used, i.e. isolate A that was coming from alcohol industry (S. cereviceae strain Kyowa), isolate B that was natural type (isolated from fruits), and isolate C that was S. cereviceae in the form of powder (commercial isolate, Saf-instant). Coconut xanthan used in the research was prepared from old coconut fruits. Research stages including pure culture test of S. cereviceae, starter preparation, xanthan production, fermentation process, oil separation and heating. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were done for oil rendement, water content, free-fatty acid concentration, saponification number, iod number, and organoleptic test (color and aroma). The results showed that the quality of coconut oil produced by fermentation process was better than traditional way in term of rendement value, water content, saponification number, and iod number. This was supported also by organoleptic test that aroma and color of coconut oil from fermentation were more preferred by the panelists. Furthermore, the quality of oil produced by S. cereviceae fulfilled the standart stated by the Indonesian Department of Commerce (SII-1976) except for saponification number

    Transformasi Genetik pada Kalus Embriogenik Tanaman Suku Rubiaceae

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    Tanaman dari suku Rubiaceae memiliki peran yang penting dalam masyarakat, terutama di bidang kesehatan. Propagasi konvensional dapat menghasilkan tanaman baru namun membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sehingga diperlukan metode perbanyakan yang efisien agar tidak terjadi overeksploitasi di alam. Induksi kalus embriogenik tanaman Rubiaceae dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kombinasi Thidiazuron (TDZ), Asam 2,4-Diklorofenoksiasetat (2,4-D) dan 1-Naphthylaceticacid (NAA), selanjutnya disubkultur ke medium yang mengandung 6-Benzilaminopurin (6-BA) dan NAA untuk diferensiasi membentuk tunas. Tahapan ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan beberapa aspek bioteknologi, termasuk diantaranya adalah mikropropagasi dan transformasi genetik. Keberhasilan transformasi genetik dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor dimana dua faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah konsentrasi asetosiringon dan strain Agrobacterium tumefaciens yang digunakan sebagai perantara transformasi genetik. Asetosiringon adalah senyawa pengaktivasi gen vir untuk transfer DNA ke sel tanaman. Konsentrasi asetosiringon yang paling optimal diketahui adalah 50 mg/L karena mampu menghasilkan persentase efisiensi transformasi tertinggi saat digunakan bersamaan dengan strain supervirulen seperti A. tumefaciens EHA101. Literature review ini membahas pengaruh asetosiringon pada berbagai konsentrasi dan jenis strain A. tumefaciens terhadap efisiensi transformasi gen ke kalus embiogenik tanaman suku Rubiaceae.

    Potensi Antibakteri Ekstrak Tanaman Suku Rubiaceae dan Aplikasinya dalam Sediaan Hand Sanitizer

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    Tanaman suku Rubiaceae merupakan tanaman yang banyak digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Kandungan senyawa aktif yang ada dalam tanaman suku Rubiaceae meliputi alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, tanin, fenol, dan minyak atsiri (antrakuinon) yang berpotensi sebagai senyawa antibakteri. Kandungan alkohol dalam hand sanitizer yang beredar di pasaran memberi rasa iritasi dan terbakar pada kulit jika digunakan secara terus menerus sehingga inovasi hand sanitizer dari tanaman suku Rubiaceae dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk membersihkan tangan. Hasil literature review ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak dan sediaan hand sanitizer tanaman suku Rubiaceae yang diuji aktivitas antimikrobianya dengan metode difusi agar dan broth dilution mempunyai daya antibakteri terhadap S. aureus dan E.coli. Sediaan hand sanitizer tanaman suku Rubiaceae juga memiliki kualitas karakteristik fisik seperti bentuk, warna, dan bau serta  stabilitas seperti pH, viskositas, homogenitas, daya lekat dan daya sebar yang baik. Kategori kualitas baik ini didasarkan pada kesesuaian SNI terkait kestabilan gel antiseptik

    Micropropagation of Mini Orchid Hybrid Phalaenopsis “Sogo Vivien”

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    Phalaenopsis “Sogo Vivien” is an orchid hybrid with mini size plant body, and exhibits numerous beautiful pink flowers, that is ideal as ornamental pot plant. Some plants of this orchid exhibit variegated leaves that improve the beauty of the plant, not only because of the flower but also as attracted leaves. This orchid has high economical value, but mass propagation of this orchid has not established yet. An effective method to propagate both the normal and variegated plants is worth to be generated. The objective of this research was to produce a large number of P. “Sogo Vivien” plants, including the variegated plants. The method used seeds from self pollinating variegated plant, and flower stalk nodes. The seeds were sown on three various medium: VW, NP and MS, and flower stalk nodes were planted on VW + BA 10 mg l-1 + active carbon. The results showed that the best medium for in vitro culture of P. “Sogo Vivien” was NP medium, in which all seeds could grew into plantlets. Most plantlets emerged from the seeds were non variegated, only one plantlet out of 1344 seeds was variegated (0.007%). Although all emerged plantlets from flower stalk exhibited variegated leaves. Particularly, the plantlets arised from the second and third basal nodes of flower stalk showed the highest growth rate than that from the other nodes. Histological analysis showed that at 11-13 days after shoot segment plantation on NP medium, the shape of apical cells in the nodes was changed, then followed by the change of cell shape in the basal part of the nodes, produced bipolar pattern, then gradually developed into shoot. These results suggest that mass propagation could be achieved using seed culture, but to get the variegated phenotypes, the second and third nodes of flower stalk from variegated plant were the best explants to be used

    Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis through Overexpression of ATRKD4 Genes in Phalaenopsis “Sogo Vivien”

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    Phalaenopsis “Sogo Vivien “is a mini orchid hybrid with beautiful flowers and numerous inflorescences.Mass propagation of this orchid is needed to meet the market demand. Objective of this research was toinduce somatic embryogenesis of P.”Sogo Vivien” through insertion of AtRKD4 gene into orchid. T-DNAcontaining 35S::GAL4::AtRKD4::GR was inserted into 16-22 days after sowing orchid protocorms mediated byAgrobacterium tumefaciens EHA 105. Activation of the AtRKD4 gene was induced by glucocorticoid inductionsystem, using 15μM Dexamethasone (Dex). The results showed that 34 out of 2,648 orchid embryos developedinto protocorms on hygromycin selection medium, whereas only 4 out of 2,897 non-transformant protocormsdeveloped from embryos. A 500 bp of HPT genes was amplified from transformant candidates using specificprimers for HPT (HygF1 and HygR1) and 380 bp was amplified using specific primers for AtRKD4 (AtRKD4F1 and AtRKD4 R1), indicated that transgenes have been integrated into orchid genomes. Finally, 17 plantletswere positively carrying AtRKD4 and HPT genes, the efficiency of transformation was 0.63 %. Somatic embryoswere also emerged from leaf explants of transformant on hormone-free NP medium and became normalplantlets. It is probably due to the high activity of AtRKD4 genes in orchid

    Pengaruh Cara Pengolahan terhadapMutu Bakteriologis Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) Pindang Siap Santap

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    The objectiveof this present research was toknowthe influence ofvarious way ofcooking on bacteriologicalquality of ready-to-eat salted little tunafish (Euthynnusaffinis).Previousstudyhas shown thatbacteriological quality ofsaltedtunafishfrom markets in Yogyakarta were not fulfill the requirements based on SNI 01-2717-1992. It was shown that the aerobic plate countswere high, i.e.2.4 x 105– 5.27 x 107CFU/g. Coliformcountranged from 6.5 x 106CFU/g.Fromthe20samples observed, only 1 sample did not contain V. parahaemolyticus and 4 samples were negative from Salmonella. Therefore,it needs to bestudied whether thevarious way ofcookingsuch asfrying, fryingwith flour, fryingwith egg and fryingwith chili sauce were effectivein removing any of the groups of bacteria examined from saltedlittle tuna fish  sample. The bacterial groups examined as indicator  of quality were Staphylococcus aureus, Coliform, Salmonellaand Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The aerobic plate counts were also taken. The result showed that the various way of cooking wereeffective in reducing the aerobic plate counts, S. aureusand Coliform. Frying with chili sauce was the best cookingprocedure because it can reduced the highest number of aerobic plate counts, S.aureusand Coliform. Salmonellaand V. parahaemolyticuswere not detected in all cooking samples

    Pengaruh Hormon terhadap Induksi Embrio Somatik Kacapiring (Gardenia jasminoides) dan Potensi Aplikasinya dalam Pembuatan Benih Sintetik

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    Kacapiring (Gardenia jasminoides) is an ornamental plant that has many uses, as a cut flowers, food ingredients, textile materials, cosmetic raw materials, and containing therapeutic compounds. The high demand for gardenia needs to be balanced with the results of its cultivation. Conventional propagation of gardenias has disadvantages such as a long life cycle, genotypes can differ from the parent, and can carry disease from the parent. Therefore, more efficient gardenia propagation techniques are needed, one of which is by making synthetic seeds. Synthetic seeds can be produced by encapsulating somatic embryos. Somatic embryos are collections of embryonic cells formed from soma cells that have the ability to regenerate into a complete new plant. Hormones are organic materials that occur naturally in plants or are synthetic. Hormones have an effect on plant differentiation and growth. Somatic embryogenesis can be carried out using auxin and cytokinin hormones, because auxins can induce embryogenic callus and cytokinins can initiate the embryogenic process in callus. Synthetic seeds are single somatic embryos covered by a matrix, so that they can be stored for a certain duration of time and can grow into a complete plant in both in vitro and ex vitro conditions. This literature review is to provide an overview based on existing references on the effects of various types of hormones for the induction of gardenia somatic embryos, synthetic seed production methods, and synthetic seed storage temperatures